Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chiropractic Wellness- The Solution to Infant Colic

When we think of chiropractic wellness, we’re liable to connect it to purely adult concerns.  After all, back and neck pains are the most common reasons for visiting the chiropractor.  Still, more and more people are starting to turn to the chiropractor for relief of an increasing range of symptoms and chiropractic treatment has become an option not just for adults but for children as well.  One of the most exciting prospects regarding the application of chiropractic techniques to paediatrics is the connection between chiropractic wellness and infant colic.
Colic is a very mysterious condition despite the fact that many babies from birth to three months old are known to suffer from it.  A baby is considered to have colic if it cries continuously for prolonged periods of time without any apparent cause.  If you’ve fed your baby, burped him, changed his diaper and have done your utmost to rock and soothe him but he continues to cry, then you have a colicky baby on your hands.  Since no one knows exactly what causes colic, there is no clear solution to the problem.  A doctor is likely to prescribe drugs for acid reflux or to just assure parents that baby will grow out of it in time.  Babies do grow out of colic and are usually colic-free after about twelve weeks of age, but what is a harassed mom or dad to do in the meantime?
For one thing, a visit to the chiropractor or a chiropractic wellness center might be in order.  This might sound strange since many are apt to view colic as a mostly digestive problem, due to the fact that paediatricians usually ascribe it to acid reflux.  However, it’s not really so odd once you remember that chiropractic wellness is actually achieved when all the body’ s systems are in good working order as a result of the correct alignment of the spine and the smooth functioning of the nervous system.  We are apt to forget that the birthing process can be difficult on a baby’s spine and neckpain  particularly when forceps or a vacuum have been used to help the baby exit the birth canal.  When a baby is brought to the chiropractor, a series of very mild manipulations will be performed in order to remove any subluxations in the spine.  When spinal alignment has been restored, then tension disappears and energy is able to flow freely through the nervous system, making baby much more comfortable and hopefully, colic-free.